In 2014, Sheila and Wei embarked on an exciting adventure to Ecuador and Peru, reaching great heights along the way. They visited iconic landmarks like Machu Picchu, which sits at an elevation of 2,430 meters above sea level, and the Mirador del Titicaca, towering at 3,819 meters. The altitude of their journey left them quite literally breathless, making for an unforgettable and exhilarating experience.

This is the first time Wei ate a guinea pig!

We had no idea the size of a condor till we got close to one at the Refuge. The size of its feather compared to an iPhone says it all.

How do you like a door-to-door train service? Our accommodation is literally by the train station.

What do you know? Another door-to-door train service. This time at the altitude of 3,812 metres!

Finally, to beat all records – we are at 3,819 metres!!